Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13/14 - Thoughts about life and a new post after a very long time.

Since my last post I graduated from Full Sail University, worked for 6 months on my first contract in the game industry, travelled all over the country for various reasons and went to Disneyland.  It's been crazy.  Life feels like it's all up in the air right now and I have no control over it and I'm just along for the ride.  I find it both extremely exciting but also terrifying, to be honest it's mostly terrifying to not know where this path is going to take me.  

In terms of my artwork I am getting relatively far along in my own independent project.  I spend many long nights chatting about the ins and outs of a world I'm building with my lady Courtney.  I actually have plans for 3 different worlds in my head, but the next few years are going to be all about focusing and developing just one of those worlds.  I plan on telling a story which takes place in this world once it is complete but for now I am developing cultures.  

The various races of my world each must have an identity tied to themes that speak to the human experience.  Then I fill in the gaps with the "good stuff,"  ecosystems and social paradigms which express these themes in a fun way. 

Since my world is a Tolkien-esque medieval high-fantasy, I am hitting on many of the notes that people come to expect in such a world while trying to make it my own.  

So here is my version of a goblin.  It's a good place to start because in my world goblins live amongst all the other races of the world, they have no homeland.  To the people they live with, they come off as flighty, playful, and perhaps a tiny bit annoying at times.  However the entire race of goblins have a secret that nobody knows about (except my future readers/players).  They are the eyes and ears of an ancient and unknown race which will act as the narrator of my story.  Unbeknownst to the denizens of the world, Goblins act as information gatherers for a higher power that I will elaborate on at a later time.  I was trying to elicit a sense of playfulness, while also hinting that they are the secret keepers of great and ancient knowledge.  Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job of making them seem mischievous with their facial expression and fiery eyes, yet wise because of the age lines on it's face and body. I'm really excited to see where this goes.
